Dalla Corte espresso machines | Zero Plus -espresso machine

Dalla Corte, industry leaders in innovative espresso machines, announces the launch of the Zero Plus.

Dalla Corte's Zero, first introduced at Host 2019, completely revolutionized the way the coffee industry approached design, technology, and innovation. Its immense success propelled the company into a new era, and now they are taking things to the next level with the Zero Plus.

At the heart of the Zero Plus is its customizable flow rate, a feature that can be easily adjusted directly from the digital touchscreens. Additionally, this game-changing machine includes a new library that allows baristas to save all their flow profiling recipes. By precisely controlling the water flow, the barista can target the perfect recipe for any roasting type and coffee selection, or even create different coffee profiles using the same beans.

Dalla Corte has harnessed its expertise to develop a patented technology, the Digital Flow Regulator, which allows for precise water rate regulation. This revolutionary feature, already available on commercial espresso machines Mina and Zero, now is introduced on the Zero Plus. It empowers the operator to act on the pre-infusion phase, a critical element of espresso extraction: by adjusting the water flow, the barista can achieve unparalleled control over the extraction process, resulting in exceptional flavor profiles.

While the original Zero allowed users to select from four preset flow rates, Zero Plus allows baristas to create and save their recipes directly on the machine's touch screen. This means they can choose to use 3, 5, 7, or 9 grams of water per second, ensuring the perfect flow rate for each espresso shot. Now you can also save the movements of their previous extractions in the machine's coffee library or assign them to the front-facing buttons, streamlining workflow and boosting productivity.

Not only does the Zero Plus boast cutting-edge technology, but it also stands out in terms of design. With its new signature grid, exclusive colorations, and industrial steel finish, this machine exemplifies style and sophistication. It's a true statement piece that will elevate your coffee experience.


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