SQUEAKY | King Eddy ( Electric Motor)

The King Eddy electric motor model ensures quick, consistent espresso extraction with constant speed, reducing operation time. An open window allows visibility of the needle movement and coffee changes, while its elegant design elevates it beyond just a tool, making it a standout piece.

King Eddy is a revolutionary tool in the coffee industry, specifically designed to enhance the espresso extraction process. This device features an electric motor that guarantees consistent and efficient operation. The motorized version of King Eddy enables baristas to distribute coffee grounds evenly and swiftly, completing the task in just 3-5 seconds, which is about half the time required by manual methods.

The design of King Eddy includes a transparent window that allows users to observe the needle's movement and the changing state of the coffee grounds, ensuring that the distribution is as precise as possible. This feature not only improves the quality of espresso shots by ensuring uniform extraction but also adds an educational element by allowing baristas to see and refine their technique in real-time.

King Eddy is constructed from durable aluminum, making it a long-lasting addition to any coffee bar, without the need for frequent replacements. This durability, combined with its stylish design, transforms King Eddy from a mere tool into a statement piece that signifies a commitment to quality and innovation.

The impact of King Eddy extends beyond just functionality. It represents a step forward in the coffee-making process, promoting efficiency and consistency in espresso production. By reducing the time and effort required to prepare espresso, King Eddy allows baristas to focus more on other aspects of coffee making and customer service. Moreover, its consistent performance can help in achieving a more reliable flavor profile, which is crucial for specialty coffee shops that pride themselves on the quality and consistency of their brews.

Overall, King Eddy is not just a practical tool for improving the extraction process but also a symbol of technological advancement in the coffee industry. Its integration of efficiency, design, and durability makes it an essential device for any establishment looking to elevate its coffee offerings and impress its clientele with both speed and style.


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