Almacena Platform


Almacena unblocks African coffee exports, offering finance, logistics, storage, insurance, and distribution to producers and roasters.

Access the marketplace for traceable coffees and transparent supply via an app. NFC on each coffee bag ensure traceability, and Blockchain provides data immunity.

The Almacena app allows users to register inventories in accredited warehouses in Africa and at end-markets like Europe, the US, and Middle East, and make use of various trade-related services.

African coffee producers are empowered to overcome existing structural barriers and deliver coffee to the roaster’s doorstep receiving the full-price price paid by the roaster. African exporters manage their own space on Almacena featuring key info about the farm, the coffees, and the community. Direct messaging and contact are possible online or off-line.


Each bag of specialty coffee is fitted with an NFC tag, accessible via the app, that records geo-location and user ID, to trace the route of the coffee. All data is time-stamped daily and recorded on the Aeternity blockchain ledger.

Roasters have the marketplace at the palm of their hand and can order or pre-order coffee, contact producers, and request services.

Almacena is an award-winning fin-tech company dedicated to democratizing African exports and creating more sustainable, efficient, and transparent supply chains.


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