Barista Improving Taste | Renato 18 - Double Espresso basket

Renato 18 is your espresso commercial, specialty espresso basket: You need some knowledge and an open mind to use it, but it reproduces a mind blowing smooth coffee (sweet, balanced, full spectrum, crisp clean cup) while reducing astringency, bitterness and off flavors.

Barista Improving Taste (B.I.T.) was born to provide alternatives to a standard quality, answers to an uneducated palate & industry myths and to open regulars, prosumers, amateurs and professionals' eyes using their senses to compare the everyday accepted quality with the real one.

The company likes to listen to the industry, the problems & complaints, understand the issue, and IMPROVE THE TASTE and the experience through new design, tools and training.

Renato 18:
- Renato 18 is an outsider and one of a kind. It’s taking you down a path to a new and better taste experience in coffee recognition on a professional level. Renato has a defined look and when you discover its positive influences you will love it.
- Thanks to its “pozzetto-design” and hole placements, it delivers a more complex, full and crisp flavor.
- It’s meant for professional or prosumer usage. They will experience a different level of extraction, taste and repeatability. It results in a mind-blowing smoothness and high definition refined flavor that lasts long.
- Thanks to the Renato Series you will experience less bitterness and less astringency or sourness in the cup.

All this is possible because Renato “regroups” the pressurized water faster in the basket-group-head during the pre-infusion and infusion phases, through its “Pozzetto”, resulting in a more centered stream (without the added extra usage of paper, steel filter or coffee stirrer). This stream staying consistent throughout the extraction time enabling the coffee puck to be well and evenly saturated while avoiding or noticeably reducing channeling and double extractions (extractions that happen simultaneously with the outer and inner holes at different speeds).

Personal facts and information: Renato 18 has one big brother Renato 21 and 4 little brothers: Renato 16, Renato 10 Renato 8 and a special one just born for Specialty Coffee, Renato 90+.

2 Regular baskets double extraction cases vs BIT basket

Renato is a must if you consider yourself a professional espresso lover.


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