Mahlkönig is leading in innovation by shaping the trends of tomorrow. We have set new quality standards within our industry. Our most recent grinder models combine especially engineered premium grinding technology with innovative features for an optimal workflow at the coffee bar.

E65S GbW – The next revolution of espresso grinding.

It is the holy grail of coffee grinding: dosing by a pre-set weight. Forget about dosing by a timer or dosing by volume. These dosing methods cause fluctuations, as they get affected by the condition of the coffee or the grind size adjustment.

Grind-by-Weight delivers exactly the grams you set! The integrated high-precision load cell underneath the portafilter support enables groundbreaking real-time scale controlled dosing, as it monitors the weight during the entire grinding process. The result: consistently accurate doses.


Mahlkönig’s pioneering Disc Distance Detection (DDD) adds yet another layer of quality control as it lets you set the degree of fineness based on the actual distance between the burrs. The integrated Portafilter Detection recognizes the portafilter automatically, selects the corresponding grinding preset and starts the grinding process. This way, the barista gains valuable time for the preparation.

Furthermore, the easy application reduces training requirements for the staff. Dosing mistakes get prevented and your coffee expenditure gets perfectly optimized.

The E65S GbW also features a proven premium grinding profile and an active temperature management that maintains lower aroma-saving grinding temperatures. The adjustable illuminated spout provides a clean and centered coffee outlet.

After all, any demanding coffee shop owner is constantly striving for a consistent top-class product quality. Together we aim to serve any guest a truly great taste experience with every single cup.

Gain unmatched control with the E65S GbW – because every gram matters!


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