Hayman Coffee | The Legends Coffee Bundle

Panama Geisha coffee, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee and Hawaii Kona coffee in Hayman Coffee’s specialty coffee pack are available as whole bean coffee, ground coffee, and coffee pods / coffee capsules, you can choose the most convenient variant. Coffee is fresh roasted just prior to shipping for top freshness.

PACK WITH 3 LEGENDARY COFFEES: This convenient coffee bundle includes 3 legendary coffees, considered by experts the best coffees beans in the world. The pack includes the famous specialty coffees Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, Hawaii Kona coffee, and Panama Geisha coffee (the finest Panamanian coffee). JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN COFFEE: This rare Jamaican coffee is certified by the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority. It is the only coffee transported across the globe in handmade, wood barrels. It is a delicate and lightly fruit-toned arabica coffee, with chocolate flavor notes and sweet finish. HAWAII KONA COFFEE: One of the most sought-after specialty coffees in the world. It is grown on the slopes of volcanoes Hualālai and Mauna Loa, which are located in the Kona district of the Big Island of Hawaii. It is sweet, balanced and very smooth, with impressive caramel flavor notes. A truly exquisite Hawaiian coffee. PANAMA GEISHA COFFEE: The Geisha coffee varietal was first discovered in Ethiopia in the 1930s and it reached coffee stardom in 2004, when it won an important competition and caught the attention of international experts. Since then, Gesha coffee has been consecutively breaking price records due to its unique flavor and scarcity. Known for its jasmine aroma, with impressive mango and mandarin flavor notes.

FRESH ROASTED COFFEES: All three coffees are roasted in small batches just prior to being shipped. Roasting date is printed on packaging as proof that you are savoring super fresh coffees. PERFECT GIFT FOR COFFEE LOVERS: These coffees, considered by many the best coffees in the world, come in beautiful boxes. It is one of the nicest coffee gifts and a great addition to coffee gift baskets. The perfect coffee present for you or for the coffee lover in your life. A specialty coffee variety pack sampler and gourmet coffee collection. COMMITMENT TO ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY: Hayman is focused on promoting sustainability, quality, and fairness in the coffee community. A DELIGHTFUL DISCOVERY JOURNEY - Learn how the unique characteristics of each region impact the aroma and flavor of each specialty coffee.


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