IKAWA | Pro100 Sample Roaster
The IKAWA Pro100 Sample Roaster has all the benefits of the ProV3, doubles the capacity, and keeps the same footprint. It’s extremely simple to use, consistent and repeatable, and still carry-on approved.
We’re proud to introduce our latest sample roaster, the IKAWA Pro100. It’s suitable for those new to roasting coffee, produces world-class results, and is adaptable to any need in the coffee supply chain.
The IKAWA Pro100 Sample Roaster has a batch capacity of 120g, and all the benefits of being an IKAWA Sample Roaster: it's very portable, extremely consistent, repeatable, and hands-free.
Using the Pro100 is the same simple experience as roasting on the IKAWA ProV3: it connects through the IKAWA Pro App, displays inlet temperature, exhaust temperature and rate of rise.
One major innovation is that it can even use the same IKAWA roast profiles from our 60g models and achieve very comparable results - often within 3-4 color measurement points or better. Roast profiles are saved and edited from the app. Each profile has 20 control points on the Exhaust Temperature, and 20 control points for airflow, and every roast is auto-saved in the Roast Log. With a user account, all data is backed up automatically to the cloud.
IKAWA Profiles are easily shared with team members, friends, and with the coffee community. It’s as simple as sharing a web URL.
The Pro100 has specifically been designed for coffee professionals who would like up to 100g of roasted coffee per batch, whether that’s to put 5 bowls on the table or so they can brew their samples, as well as cup them.
IKAWA has developed the Pro100 roaster for these coffee pros.
We believe we created a revolutionary tool which brought consistency and repeatability where it was really needed: sample roasting is a crucial part of the buying and selling process for everyone from producers to roasters.
Part of what we feel is so successful about IKAWA Pro is it’s increased the accessibility of sample roasting – there is a significant percentage of our customers that hadn’t roasted before, and are now roasting their coffees well because of their IKAWA.
More people have more control over their buying and selling decisions because of it.
The Pro100 brings the portability, consistency, repeatability, and community knowledge to a wider group while maintaining the footprint and roast profiles of our successful ProV3