Peak Water Limited | Peak Water Starter Pack

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Up to 98% of a cup coffee is water, so this can have a dramatic effect on the flavour of coffee. Because tap water varies greatly from place to place, Cafe's use complex filtration to control and customise their water. Peak Water allows the same level of customisation at home in an easy-to-use filter jug.

The unique patent pending design utilises a gravity-fed bypass with variable settings, allowing you to decide how many of the minerals in your water are filtered out or retained. It is this ability to adjust the minerals with Peak Water that ensures the very best flavour and clarity from every cup.

Every Peak Water Starter Pack comes with a Peak Water Jug, dual chamber filter cartridge, water test kit and an advanced guide on how to create the best water for coffee.

Simply test, adjust and brew.

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The Peak Water filter utilises a two-chamber design. The main chamber makes use of premium dual-ion resins that have the capacity to completely remove the minerals from your water. However, you want a small amount of hardness to get the best out of a coffee.

The secondary bypass chamber contains carbon only, which combats any unwanted organic compounds, but allows a desired amount of positive minerals like calcium and magnesium to pass through and re-join the newly softened water from the main chamber.

Peak Water has been designed with sustainability in mind. All the components of the Peak Water Filter Jug are fully recyclable, a portion of every jug goes to Project Waterfall to support developing water resources in coffee growing communities and there is a dedicated recycling scheme in place for the filters. For returned filters the plastic cases are recycled for use in other products, the biodegradable carbon is separated, and the resin is washed and regenerated. The recharged resin is then used to fill brand new Peak Water Filters.

Peak Water allows home coffee drinkers to filter to suit different brew methods, roast profiles and varieties of coffee. It’s also great for tea and drinking water. With the ability to filter differently from 1 litre to the next – the potential to explore and appreciate flavour is endless.

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