Rubasse | Near-Infrared Fully-Auto Coffee Roasters

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We continue to investigate the best solutions that make coffee roasting scientific, efficient and productive. We achieved these in various ways - developing unique heating source, integrating Rubasse algorithm, improving performance and providing better, smarter and more sustainable solutions for roasters.

The rubasse coffee roasters are known for near-infrared heating, digitized data acquisition, fully-auto and precise backtracking algorithm. Our roasters are equipped with advanced technologies to achieve smart roasting, such as:

  • Near-infrared heating: The near infrared can penetrate up to 1 cm of coffee beans or grains, which prevent them from being scorched outside & under-cooked inside.

  • Comprehensive compensation system: to attain highly consistent roast and to prevent roasting coffee beans from being interfered by changeable environmental conditions.

  • The world first centered near-infrared heating systems: Combining NIR and novel drum structure, the thermal-wave resonant cavity can be utilized and produce three kinds of heating ways in our roasters, ①Thermal Radiation, ②Convection and ③Conduction.

  • User-friendly touch screen interface and profile record system: Digital sensor is well integrated with the roasters, and it will help roasters precisely record coffee beans temperature, drum temperature, exhaust temperature, moisture detection (world’s first product), air pressure , rate of rise(RoR) and roasting time.

  • Linear control: The actual output is proportional to the panel input. Heat, exhaust and rotation speed are linearly controlled which makes this roaster really nimble.

  • High accessibility of RoR: Even when roasters are fully loaded, it allows you to reach over 30°C/min during roasting. With extraordinary insulated stainless steel drum structure, it can react in 3 seconds in response to heat, exhaust and rotation adjustments.

  • Eco Friendly: Buying a Rubasse is one of the best things you can do for the environment. Rubasse use 0.6kwh of electric energy per 3kg-batch.

We envision that roasters can have fun and just enjoy developing coffee flavors without worrying about coffee consistency. Many roasters have reached their excellence by our high performance, immediate reaction systems and precise measurement which includes all parameters you desired. With Rubasse, you can definitely bring all your excellent skills into full play.


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