FAST Specialty Coffee Filter | SIBARIST

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What if you could reinvent your recipes, reach new cups and rediscover your coffees? discover the fastest filter on the market.

Filters are a constant, not a variable like the grind size, temperature, or pouring. We can adjust all the variables involved on the extraction depending on the filter permeability that we are using.

The FAST Specialty Coffee Filter provides faster extractions than commercial filters (up to 40%). The aim of the FAST is to provide the possibility to reinvent coffee recipes, achieving new and different cup profiles so you can rediscover your favorite coffees.

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The FAST flow allows you to experiment with finer and more uniform grinds, avoiding choking and clogging; having more control over the pours producing a direct effect on the filter’s flow (cause-effect), reaching higher extractions.

The FAST contributes to produce a cup that is clean, full bodied, silky, and without any traces of paper.

At Sibarist we fully produce our filters in Barcelona, from the processing of the 100% organic fibres (always from plantations), to the production.


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