Innovative espresso machine designed and made in Switzerland with unprecedented energy efficiency, pre-infusion control, flow profiling capabilities, precision, connectivity, and intelligence. We are introducing to you the new Unica pro. The new standard of professional espresso machines in a modern design.

We designed the Unica pro for coffee professionals who want to take their coffee extraction to the next level.


The Unica pro is similar to dual boiler machines and can extract coffee and release powerful steam for milk frothing simultaneously.


With our newly developed heating technology, we accurately heat the amount of water needed for your beverage. As a result, the Unica pro consumes just 70 kWh/year in Eco mode. This is 22 times less than a comparable dual boiler system and four times less than a double thermoblock machine on the market to date.

A side effect of being that energy efficiency is the fast heating time. After turning the machine on, the hot water is ready after 4s, the brew group after the 90s, and the steam boiler after the 120s.

The operator can control the pre-infusion with three parameters. They define how the flow rate changes during the pre-infusion. You can set it soft or complex, impacting your coffee's taste.


Set the desired extraction volume and time in your recipe, fill the desired amount of coffee in the portafilter, and the machine does the rest automatically. The Unica pro detects when the pre-infusion is completed and then switches to a constant flow extraction with all its benefits.


Thanks to our precise volumetric dosing system, the Unica pro is able to precisely control the amount of water that flows through your coffee ground during the extraction. You won't need to add another scale or timer. You always receive the same volume of coffee in your cup.


We also developed algorithms for extraction optimization. For example, the extraction data is used to calculate and display the grind size analysis to the user after each shot. This makes the dial-in of a coffee grinder a breeze even for inexperienced coffee enthusiasts.


Marco Beverage Systems | Marco POUR'D


Barista Improving Taste | B.I.T.