The ZERNO™ Z1 coffee grinder is hand-assembled in Chicago with micron-level tolerances and industry-leading innovations, giving you total control over your workflow and grind — producing consistent, exceptionally tasting coffee, cup to cup.

Brewing your perfect cup of coffee begins with the grind. Whether you are new to the home brewing hobby or you are an experienced prosumer, achieving a consistently perfect grind will be one of the first steps you make in your coffee journey. On our journey we wanted a grinder that was innovative in all the ways we felt were important to produce the best-tasting cup of coffee: swappable blind burrs, variable feed rate, repeatable results, tight particle output profile, low retention, a pre-breaker, easy to clean and built right...So we set out to make it. The Z1 arrives precision-aligned with step-less micron graduated adjustment and easily swappable 64mm vertically aligned burrs. The Z1 is designed to bridge the gap between traditional burrs and blind burrs allowing for both, and will maintain your grind settings through an easy setup and cleaning workflow. Our innovative variable feed pre-breaker controls the rate and back pressure of beans entering the grind chamber, giving you more control to fine-tune your grind. The pre-breaker cracks the bean to create more surface area, tightening the grind profile and reducing excess fines and bitterness — combined with our powerful high-torque motor, the Z1 starts to shave the bean not smash, reducing friction and avoiding excess heat allowing you to get the most out of your coffee.

Our approach to designing the Z1 is centered around the user and with that in mind we pride ourselves on deep community engagement with every decision we make. From listening to and acting on user feedback to connecting our community to mods and modders, the advantage is iterating a product that does what we all want, and adjusting on the things we don’t. The Z1 allows for customizability in color, accent pieces, and accessories while offering the ability for future upgrades and modifications in performance and appearance. Everything about the Z1 allows you the opportunity to take ownership over your setup and workflow — and make it truly yours. What this means is your investment in the Z1 will give you a consistently better tasting cup of coffee from a grinder that is built to last, and look fantastic doing it. The ZERNO Z1 is a different kind of coffee grinder, and We are a different kind of coffee company.


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