New in Coffee is your definitive guide to new products, by the Specialty Coffee Association.
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Garanti Roaster
The core heritage of Garanti Roaster is transformed into a modular structured roaster.

Sivetz Roasting Machines | SRM15
This is first Sivetz roaster with a more modern industrial look and improved ergonomics.

Probat | P05 e
Electrify your roaster with the new P05 e, the first PROBAT shop roaster that doesn‘t rely on a gas supply.

ROEST | L100
Innovative sample roasters designed and made in Norway with AI solution and hybrid roasting technology.

Rubasse | Near-Infrared Fully-Auto Coffee Roasters
Rubasse NIR coffee roasters, digitization and Science of Roasting.

X-Rite Pantone | RM-200 Coffee
The RM200 Coffee is a spectrophotometer which uses the full-spectrum illuminant and 45/0 geometry condition, satisfying ISO standards.

IKAWA | Pro100 Sample Roaster
Double the capacity with the same footprint.

Lighttells | CM-200 Coffee Roast Degree/ Uniformity/Ground-Size Analyzer
CM-200 coffee roast degree/uniformity/ground size analyzer

iRm_series Coffee Roasting Machines | IP-CC
The third generation iRm_series coffee roasting machines are a unique and ideal option for every coffee roaster.

Coffee Moisture & Density Meter RM-800 | RoastRite
RM-800 Coffee Moisture & Density Meter for measuring green, roasted, parchment, and cherry beans.

P series III | PROBAT
Iconic Design meets High-End Performance - The all-new PROBAT shop roaster P series.
Roast Vision | Espresso Vision Inc.
Introducing the most affordable and easy to use roast level sensor for enthusiasts, home roasters, and professionals.

Arc S | Arc Roaster
Affordable and meticulously crafted, the Arc S replicates a true production roasting environment. Capable of linking up to 4 barrels.
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New in Coffee is by the Specialty Coffee Association
Entries do not constitute an endorsement or approval by the SCA