New in Coffee is your definitive guide to new products, by the Specialty Coffee Association.
Latest Entries

CERĒS Robo Coffee Shop | CERĒS The Robot Barista
CERĒS Robo Coffee Shop offers 24/7 barista-quality coffee, combining automation, sustainability, and seamless grab-and-go convenience.

Stronghold | S8X
Introducing the Stronghold S8X - a 4.5 kilo electric roaster with the ideal capacity and controls for the modern cafe.

The ROEST P3000—a compact, 1-3 kg production roaster with advanced automation and unmatched efficiency.

Varia Brewing | VS6 Grinder
Unleash coffee's true potential with the VS6: precision, versatile burr swaps made simple for accessible, advanced brewing.

Cold Percolation, Inc. | ColdPerk Café 2
Introducing ColdPerk™: The Fast, Sustainable Coffee Extraction Method Delivering Rich Flavor and Efficiency for Modern Coffee Professionals.

SANTOS | Coffe Grinder I-Grind #67
A real innovation in the coffee industry, our latest coffee grinder, I-grind #67, exclusively equipped with a brushless motor, is the only grinder on the market to offer such a wide range of speed variation. Designed for the specialty coffee market, it enables slow grinding, preserving coffee aromas while giving you the freedom to create custom recipes based on three key parameters: grind adjustment, motor speed, and grinding time.

DHPO | KING DUKE Electric Coffee Grinder
Portable, Power Storage

Mundo Novo USA | Commercial Pour-Over Machine
Automating the pour-over process to make high quality coffee experiences more accessible to all.

Victoria - Simonelli Group | E1 Prima PRO
E1 Prima PRO by Victoria Arduino is a 1 group coffee machine with a professional edge: all standards are challenged and exceeded.

IZAGA W Connect, the first Instant Dose Grind-by-Weight

Dalla Corte espresso machines | Zero Plus -espresso machine
Dalla Corte, industry leaders in innovative espresso machines, announces the launch of the Zero Plus.

Nucleus Coffee Tools & Kaffelogic | LINK sample roaster (Addis operating firmware)
The LINK roaster and its new operating firmware, Addis, is focused on accessibility and affordability across the coffee industry.

Bellwether Coffee | Bellwether Shop Roaster
Roast hundreds of kilos per week in-house with Bellwether's electric, ventless and fully automated coffee roaster.

SANTOS | I-Grind coffee grinder #67
Santos, french manufacturer of coffee grinders and grinding discs

Everpure from Pentair Water Solutions | EZ-RO Reverse Osmosis Systems
Creates consistent, great-tasting beverages.

TONE Europe GmbH | TONE Touch 04
The TONE Touch 04 revolutionizes batch brewing with customizable features for 1-4 liters, maximizing extraction and convenience.
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New in Coffee is by the Specialty Coffee Association
Entries do not constitute an endorsement or approval by the SCA